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Don't let Osteoporosis keep you from moving and enjoying life!

If you answer "yes" to the below questions, contact us to see if this trial may be a good match for you.

  • Are you a female between the ages of 55 and 80?
  • Do you know that you have Osteoporosis?  And are not currently on prescription medication for treatment?
  • Or have you not been diagnosed but have back pain and are concerned?

We have options for you.  Click on the links to read about the trial opportunities offered.

Angitia ARTEMIS- New treatment available to improve your bone health.  Be a part of this Global study to find a new treatment for low bone mass.


Please complete the contact form to schedule a screening appointment or call us at 678-928-6476.

Contact Us Now



What is Osteoporosis?

OSTEOPOROSIS literally means ‘porous bone’. It is a condition where bones become thin and lose their strength, as they become less dense and their quality is reduced. This can lead to broken bones, which cause pain, disability, and make everyday activities extremely difficult.  Around the world, one in three women and one in five men over the age of fifty will suffer a broken bone due to osteoporosis.  Our bones are living tissue that give our body structure, allow us to move and protect our organs. Osteoporosis causes the bones to become more porous and fragile, greatly increasing the risk of painful and often disabling broken bones (known as fragility fractures). 

Osteoporosis is often called the ‘silent disease’ because most people don’t know they have osteoporosis until they suffer a broken bone from a minor fall or bump – something that would not normally have caused such a drastic injury. In fact, even after breaking a bone, around 80% of patients are still not diagnosed and treated for osteoporosis, the underlying disease which has caused the fracture.  From birth to adulthood, our bones develop and grow until, in our early 20s, they reach what is called peak bone mass – the time when the bones are at their strongest, densest and least likely to fracture. Throughout life, bone is constantly being renewed, with new bone replacing old bone- and this helps to keep our skeleton strong. But for people with osteoporosis, more and more bone is lost and not replaced.  This means that the bones gradually become brittle and more likely to break.   

By being aware of osteoporosis and which factors could place you at risk, you can make sure that you get diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Fractures that are most often associated with osteoporosis are at the hip, spine and wrist. Fractures of the spine are the most common, yet many people dismiss the back pain as just a sign of getting older and don’t get proper diagnosis.   Early diagnosis is important because one broken bone increases the risk of suffering yet more broken bones - resulting in long-term disability and loss of independence. One in four women who have a new spine fracture will fracture again within one year. After a hip fracture, about one-quarter of people die or never walk again.  By getting early diagnosis you can be treated more effectively, so that future fractures can be prevented.  And remember, there are things you can do to help prevent the condition and keep your bones strong: follow a bone-healthy dietexercise regularly, avoid negative lifestyle factors, and find out whether you have risk factors for osteoporosis.  (International Osteoporosis Foundation)